Friday, June 26, 2009

Response Received

Fr. JN sent a response to my email today. Nothing big or important in there, just saying that he was glad to hear from me again and excited to see that I was open to other vocations and would be happy to talk with me. He also, let me know that he was the same way in not wanting to share this decision with others to not have to deal with external pressures. But, the circumstances in which I received his letter were more of the revelation that God wants me to be open, at least for now.

Last, night a friend opened a chat with me to comment on my Facebook status. If there is anyone I would want a relationship with, it would be this person. We never communicate on a regular basis or see each other often since we live 4 hrs. from each other, but we are friends. We bantered, and she told me what she was reading for her masters theology classes and that was about it. But, it was still one of those, "Ha, ha, you're funny, God." moments. I didn't get a that "Ooo, such a wonderful person is talking to me" thrill, but it did still confuse me a little.

One of the books she suggested is in the public domain, so I looked it up on the internet and had started reading it and had just read a chapter before heading to noon Mass. So, the book, her, and my situation were on my mind during Mass. I told God, that it would be nice if he could let me know, like a response from Fr. JN, that I'm doing the right thing especially since I don't know what I'm doing. Then I smiled and jokingly told God, "Not that I'm telling you what to do, but it was just a suggestion." When I came back from Mass, is when I had the letter from Fr. JN in my inbox. It was nice to get that small gesture and exactly the time I needed it, and nice to think that God was listening and smiling down on me. Just a small revelation moment.

Dominus Vobiscum

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